


Resource TypePosted On
Convert Number to DateApr 23
Convert Number to DateJul 03
Display number of months from joining date to birth date of programmer Sep 19
ProLog Program to convert decimal number to roman numberFeb 21
Program to convert Hexadecimal number to Binary number Jul 03
Program to Convert Decimal number to Hexadecimal numberSep 16
Program to Convert Decimal number to Octal numberMay 29
Program To Convert Decimal number to Binary numberDec 21
Program to check entered date is valid birth date or notSep 10
Program to find number of days b/w two given datesJul 10
Program that takes short date from a user and displays long date Oct 09
Program that takes short date from a user and displays medium dateFeb 17
Date Time FunctionsJun 05
Write a query to change the format of date using to_char functionMar 09
Write a query to add days in todays date using sysdate functionDec 19
CONVERT FunctionJan 01
Program of converting class type to basic variable of type string using conversi...Jan 27
Program to read decimal numbers from a file and convert into hexadecimalJan 26
Program to convert a decimal number into binary, octal and pental codeJul 15
Program to convert decimal number to binaryJun 07
Program to convert hexadecimal number to binaryFeb 22
Program to convert number in 9's complementAug 07
Program to display following things on the client machine a)date and time of the...Mar 01
CORBA program for displaying the date and time of the server machine, client mac...Feb 23
Program to add numbers using functionSep 24
Program to find the factorial of a given number using function declarationNov 26
Program to implement Add and Subtract function on Big Number ClassMar 15
Program to implement Add and Subtract functions on Big Number ClassSep 15
Program to implement Add and Subtract function on Big Number ClassSep 07
Write a function power() to raise a number m to a power nOct 06
Find Current Date and TimeSep 10
How to find Year details from dateFeb 08
How to find Hours Details from Given DateNov 13
How to find Milliseconds in given dateJul 12
How to find Minutes for given dateOct 27
How to find Months details from given dateJul 10
How to find Seconds from given dateSep 18
Find Total Minutes Elapsed from given date and timeJan 14
Find Total Seconds Elapsed from given date and time Apr 18
Find Total Hours Elapsed from given date and timeNov 29
Find Total Days Elapsed from given date and timeAug 25
Program to get and set System Date using Interrupt 21hNov 28
Program that performs add, edit, delete, display and search date from file Nov 17
Program to display current date and timeMay 02
Program of date server and clientJul 12
Write a menu driven program to display message, user name, terminal name, login ...Sep 03
How would u get today’s date?Apr 04
Program of date manipulationJun 07